Friday, September 10, 2010

Eggplant and Jersey Shore

I am here and this is the beginning. I am also hungry which means this should be some of my best writing yet; brief.

Classes started this week but I have failed to inform everyone of the previous week when I was on Jersey Shore. That was a tricky use of words. I was on the barrier island, not the show.

I need a snack.
Barnegat Lighthouse on Long Beach Island....frame-worthy

Okay I just ate an entire eggplant. I love eggplant. There is a great farmer's market right in front of our classes in the Hammer Building every Tuesday. I bought eggplant. I love eggplant. It has nothing to do with eggs. This is deeiving. I like to slice it, put it in the pan with a bit of olive oil and salt and pepper to taste (this is good because it is monounsaturated fat - - we are allowed to use a bit of this and still call ourselves nutrition master's students at Columbia. I am so excited to be here =)

This last holiday weekend I was fortunate enough to be invited to Long Beach Island ( Jersey Shore) by my fantastic Aunt Mary Ann and Uncle Michael Michelis. This place is amazing. The only islands I have ever visited include: Catalina Island, the Hawaiian Islands, and Treasure Island (Los Vegas) - all of which you cannot see from side to side from on vantage point. Long Beach Island, on the other hand, I was able to see from ocean side just by standing on the rooftop deck.

I am sure the people there thought I was odd. I am not accustomed to dining with AIG executives, IBM executives, judges, physicians and so on. Even our waitress was an attorney, I am not joking. When I started talking about wine in boxes, apparently only acceptable in California, someone quickly switched the conversation topic to politics and religion. I didn't know box wine was such a faux pas. Strolling on the beach we invited neighbors over for pre-dinner cocktails and hors d'oeuvres (this was not an easy word to spell). It was like something you see in a movie. Fantastic. Thank you Aunt Mary Ann and Uncle Michael! Had the time of my life! Glad we didn't run into Snookie - that would have been awkward.

Working on secondaries, I came across this video on Virginia Commonwealth University's website. I think this is great. I have no idea if these guys are medical students BUT if this was funded by the price of secondaries I will be thoroughly upset.

I recently met Rene and Ellen in the admissions office for Physicians and Surgeons (Columbia's medical school)... wow- they could not have been nicer. Very kind ladies. This school is an amazing community. My roommare, Varun, always things it is strange when I say someone was kind. "What did you think they were going to be like?" He asks in an Ummmm-duh-they-are-nice tone. But really, the faculty, admissions office, students....all very nice. I am sure impressed.

Aside from criticizing my appreciation for the overwhelming KINDNESS here at Columbia - Varun helped me to put together my bookshelf last night. It was $29 and from Wal-Mart online. I think putting this thing together should be part of the admissions requirements for graduate school. Luckily we figured it out and Varun had the novel idea that Ikea, Wal-Mart and Lego (and any other put-your-own-junk-together type stores)should pair up with Habitat for Humanity and send entire houses in boxes with instructions like we had - - can you imagine how many houses would end up assembled upside down? Haha-this would be counterproductive but make a great reality TV show. Everyone would be yelling..."I need part number 0 no not O but Zero." I think they add unnecessary confusion for fun.

Next blog I am going to talk about (a very neat tool but controversial pyramid design) and fashion week . . . in no particular order.

I need a jacket. Fall in NY is = to winter in CA.

Ciao for now...

p.s. Thank you so so much Aunt Beth, Uncle Sean, Grandma and Grandpa for the amazing care package! A rope/safety ladder, milk frother, several hats to be work together nicely as shown, a toffy bar and then some =) This was amazing.

If anyone else feels so inclined to send care packages I will not be upset =)

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